Our new battery. The old one looked awful with a lot of corrosion around the terminals. This one now has a 3year warranty and some colour indicator to tell you when the battery needs to be charged and when it is dead.
The 'blinking' alternator which decided it no longer wanted to work!! We stopped off at Miriam Vale to get a cold drink and then couldn't start the van. BOTH BATTERIES WERE DEAD!!! Luckily there was a garage a 100m down the road (but they couldn't get the part until the morning) so we slept at Miriam Vale and Whitsun was fixed the following day.
$375 new alternator
$175 handbrake & foot break adjustment
$172 new battery
$25 call out fee
$747.00 TOTAL....ouch (halve total to convert roughly to pound sterling) I don't want to know!