Whitsun enjoying the view as well. Not shown in the picture is the bag of logs under the rear wheel to stop him rowling backwards onto the Captain Cook Highway. We have done Whitsun up a bit now with 'go faster stripes' and country cottage curtains (photos to follow)
Hannah and I with Ellis Beach in the background. Incidentally Ellis Beach won alot of the surf lifesaving competitions in Port Douglas. We spent a few hours on the beach relaxing, but I'm sure hannah was there for another reason :) ......joke (i think)
Me - self portrait (I am happy to be here.....honest!)
Cape Tribulation - so called because Caption Cooks Endeavour lodged on coral approximately 12miles off the coast. It was severely holed, it was in seriously danger of sinking. Cook saved the ship by a means of fothering - a technique in passing a sail beneath the ship and pulling it tight to cover the hole. He floated the ship and brought it into the headland you can see in the picture above. After 7weeks of repair he sailed back to England - thanks Bill Bryson.
Also note that if the Endeavor sunk, Cook wouldn't of been able to get back to England and Australia would most probably be speaking French now.
The mangrove swamp we had to pass through to get to Cape Tribulation - we were on a raised platform though.
Four Mile Beach, Port Douglas. When me and Hannah got down to the beach we realised that there was a big surf lifesaving competition going on, as well as the Iron Man competition. I sucked my stomach in as much as I could but I'm sure Hannahs eyes were elsewhere lol.
The Soul 'n Pepper Cafe where I indulged in a cooked breakfast :) also as you can see it was served in a frying pan. All this for £7.50 - I felt I had got a bargin.
Port Douglas - the upmarket holiday town. It was very nice but full of tat shops and expensive hotels. We stayed in campsite called Pandacus (which I think is a type of palm tree) owned by an english couple.
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